Package sim

This package contains a simple MIPS simulator.


Interface Summary
Memory Every memory device must implement this interface.

Class Summary
BlockDevice Implements a block device.
Cache Implements a very simple cache simulation.
CharacterDevice A character I/O terminal device that implements our memory interface.
DiskMake Provides a single main method for writing "disk" images.
MemoryMap Implements a mapped memory.
Mips Implements a simple MIPS simulator.
RAM Implements a simple, random-access memory

Package sim Description

This package contains a simple MIPS simulator. For detailed info, see the user's manual

Please see the tools section for the definitive guide to using this tool.

Running the simulator:

  java sim.Mips [exefile]
It will load the given exefile starting at address zero and then jump to the entry point of the exe.

There is also a GUI version of the simulator:

  java sim.UI [exefile]